Talent Retention in 2023
We are a little over halfway through 2023 (crazy, right?) and retaining great talent remains a crucial aspect of managing a successful organization. Wondering how
Creative Benefits for the New World of Work
The talent landscape has shifted dramatically in the last few years. With the “Great Resignation” still looming, the turnover tsunami rolls on and quitting continues.
Avoiding HR System Stumbles: 6 Tips for Upgrading your HR Tech
As our workforce is shifting with the digital age, HR practitioners need technology that can help them work through the emerging trend: shifting from managing
Road Trips and Performance Management: A Tale of Two Journeys
A note from Lisa Cooper… Having just returned from an epic spring break road trip with our 3 daughters and rescue dog, Leo, with LOTS
Exempt or Not-Exempt. That is the question.
The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that employees must be paid time-and-one half their normal rate of pay for any hours worked over 40 in
5 Outcomes of Positive Employee Experience
A positive employee experience is crucial for the success of every organization. Investing in your employees will lead to better business outcomes and benefits that